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Tips to consider when buying hockey accessories

By on October 20, 2022 0

Hockey season is back, and you might be looking to start training to try out for the next hockey team or just want to get into the game. With all the equipment available at retailers and online, it can be difficult to figure out what type of gear you need. This article will help you navigate some options available when buying hockey accessories!

What to consider when choosing hockey equipment?

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When choosing hockey equipment, there are a few things to remember. The equipment you select should fit your body type and size correctly, provide the protection you need, and be comfortable to wear. When it comes to choosing a hockey stick, you will want to consider the following:

  • The material the stick is made of
  • The type of curve the stick has
  • How stiff or flexible is the stick is
  • The length of the stick
  • The weight of the stick

When choosing skates, you’ll want to consider the following:

  • The size of your feet
  • The style of skate (inline or roller)
  • Whether you want blades or skates with studs

When choosing a helmet, look for one that fits well, has good ventilation, and provides adequate protection for your head.

Tips to consider when buying skates

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When buying hockey skates, you must consider the type of player you are and what type of skate you are looking for. There are three main types of skates: traditional, inline, and speed skating.

Traditional Skates

Traditional skates are good for players who want a more comfortable skate. They are also good for players who want to be able to wear their skates all day long. Traditional skates usually have wider boots and are not as fast as inline or speed skating skates.

Inline Skates

Inline skates are good for players who want to move quickly on the ice. They are also good for players who want a fast skate and can handle a lot of pressure. Inline skaters usually have a narrower boot and a shorter blades than traditional skates.

Speed Skating Skates

Speed skating skates are designed specifically for speed skating. They have narrow boots and short blades to move quickly on the ice. Speed skating skaters usually use inline or traditional skATES when they compete in other events, like figure skating or short-track speed skating.

Types of hockey equipment

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Hockey equipment can be divided into four main types: skates, sticks, helmets, and pads. Each type has its own set of benefits and drawbacks. Here are some tips to help you choose the right gear for your needs:


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First, decide what type of skates you need. Several types of skates are available on the market today, including speed skates, ice skates, inline skates, and rollerblades. Speed skaters use larger and more aggressive skates to move faster on the ice. Ice skaters use smaller, more agile skates that keep them stable while skating. Inline skaters use a special type of skate that is wider at the bottom than the top, allowing them to move quickly along a straight line. Rollerbladers use blades that curve inwards towards the foot to glide along the ice with little effort.

To choose which type of skate is best for you, consider your skating style and size. Suppose you are a beginner or intermediate player who plans to stay within reasonable speeds on residential ice surfaces or recreational leagues with restrictive icing rules. In that case, speed skaters are a good choice because they are versatile and affordable. Plan to participate in competitive skating or play on outdoor rinks with unlimited icing rule duration or greater distances between players. Rollerbladers may be better because they offer more stability and control when turning and stopping on hard surfaces. Inline skaters are best for experienced players who want to move quickly and efficiently on a rink but may not need the stability offered by rollerbladers.

If you are unsure which type of skate is best for you, try a few different models at a local skating rink and select the one that feels most comfortable. You can also order skates online if you do not have access to a skating rink.


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Next, decide what type of stick you need. Several types of sticks are available on the market today, including wooden sticks, fiberglass sticks, carbon fiber sticks, and composite sticks. Wooden sticks are the oldest hockey stick made from wood, such as birch or maple. They are affordable and lightweight but may not be as strong or durable as other types of sticks. Fiberglass sticks are made from a mixture of fiberglass and plastic and are stronger and more durable than wooden sticks. Carbon fiber sticks are the strongest and lightest type of hockey stick available and are usually used by professional players. Composite sticks are a combination of wood, fiberglass, and carbon fiber and offer the best balance of strength, durability, and weight for most players.

Investing in the right hockey gear

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When shopping for hockey gear, you must consider the player you are and what equipment is required. For example, if you are a beginner, it may be best to purchase lower-priced items that will grow with you as your skills improve. On the other hand, if you are an experienced player who already owns high-quality gear, there is no need to spend extra money on accessories.

In addition to price and quality, other factors to consider when buying hockey gear include:

  • Type of Ice: Ice surfaces can vary in size, shape, and hardness, so it is important to choose the right type of ice if traveling to a game or practice. Types of ice include natural ice (a frozen sheet of water), indoor ice (a rink made from artificial turf), and pond hockey.
  • Team Size: Teams typically play in groups of six players each. Some teams have rosters that allow for more players than others; check with your league’s rules before purchasing gear.
  • Gender: Hockey gear differs somewhat by gender; for example, girls often need smaller skates than boys do. Make sure you select the correct size based on your child’s feet measurement (in inches).
  • Levels of Play: There are three levels of play in hockey – recreational (for beginners), intermediate (for those who have some experience but want to improve their skills), and professional (for experienced players).


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Buying hockey accessories can be daunting, but with a little research and careful consideration, you can find the right gear to help your team win. Here are some tips to help you make informed decisions when shopping for hockey accessories:

  • Consider what type of player you are buying the gear for. If you are buying for a beginner, buy equipment that is basic in nature. As your player progresses and becomes more experienced, they will need more specialized equipment.
  • Think about what skill level your player is at. Even if your player is relatively new to the game, they may still need protective gear for their hands and feet. For example, goalie gloves protect the hands from getting cut by sticks and skates protect the feet from getting stepped on.
  • When choosing ice skates, think about how much practice time your player will have before their first game. The blades on an ice skate should be stiffer than those worn during leisure skating so that players don’t get used to how slippery the ice is once they start playing tournaments or league games.
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